Unexpected Benefits of Records Management

Records management is not the most exciting of topics (to some but to us… it is our passion so how many hours do you have??), but it is so important for your business, its processes and day-to-day health.

We all know a good records management system will save your company various degrees of money and time but what about the other benefits that will contribute to your business as a whole!!


With a good information management system in place, processes can be seamless, information can quickly be retrieved, endless hours digging through files will no longer be wasted and people smile more (this can be been proven within our record centres)!! With our years of experience, numerous discussions with clients and overall observations, we have complied the below list to highlight the overlooked benefits that come with an excellent records management system and/or partner.

1. Your clients are happier

A fast-turnaround time is now becoming the norm and quality customer service is measured by several factors, including how fast you respond to clients. With a proper records management system that removes the need to dig through a mass of documents to find what you need, you can now answer questions, respond to inquiries and provide details to customers faster than ever. 

2. Audits are no longer stressful

Not having to spend valuable hours searching for documents and files is a benefit we can all gain from. Locating relevant documents within minutes and having them securely delivered to your door, sounds like a valuable benefit to us.

3. Your office seems bigger

Without those cabinets, piles of documents and file boxes scattered around your office, you will gain space. Providing team members with a comfortable space to work, move around and feel content with will assist every working environment. 

4. Wait… less office space? Can you downsize?

With so many companies now working remotely and more businesses adjusting to assist with this new/new-for-now norm (like ours… we now deliver to locations of our client’s choice), could cutting back on office space be considered now?

5. The air is cleaner… 

A large part of a records management process is the digital component. Digital transformation has sat as a priority for many companies, and although many plans were drafted, the recent pandemic accelerated those plans for many companies. Moving to a paperless, more digitally focused and functioning business, will also greatly contribute to helping improve our most precious environment. 

Records and information management is at the core of our company. If you would like to learn more or speak to a member of our awesome team to implement a customised information management plan, you can simply call us on 13 ZIRCO (13 94 72) or email services@zircodata.com.au and we will get you started. Otherwise, we hope you found this article interesting and if you would like to be in the know the next time we put our fingers to the keyboard, follow us on any of our social media channels by clicking the icon at the top of the page. 


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